Separation & Divorce


“I’ve busted bones, broken stones, looked the devil in the eye, I hope he’s going to break these chains” - Broken Bones, Kaleo

Are you trying decide whether to leave or stay? Have you already decided, but don’t know what to do? Has your partner made the decision and you don’t know where to turn or who to talk to? Or perhaps the decision has been made jointly and amicably, and you are seeking advice and support to achieve a legal separation without the cost and angst of a protracted Court process. 

Separation and divorce are traumatic experiences, even when amicable, and can often leave people emotionally devastated. 

Michelle Lember is more than just another family lawyer: she is knowledge and energy, a shield to stand behind and take the blows when you are battle-weary, and a sword for when you need it. 

The legal issues arising out of a divorce or separation can further complicate things, but not if you have the right lawyer by your side. 

The Australian Family Court systems doesn’t inquire about the reasons for your divorce, and neither do we. Michelle Lember can assist you with strength and compassion with:

  • Child Custody/Residence/Contact Issues (for Parents and Grandparents)
  • Child Support
  • Parenting and Relocation
  • Interim Consent Orders
  • Final Consent Orders
  • De Facto Separation Agreements
  • Binding Financial Agreements
  • Property and Parenting Disputes
  • Division of Assets and Property
  • Division of Debt
  • Spousal and Adult Child Maintenance

It is important that you engage a competent divorce lawyer to help you with the legal aspects of your divorce or separation while you are still trying to deal with the emotional side. Michelle Lember is qualified to see you through the divorce proceedings smoothly.